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If you do not have a UTRGV account, please make your payment using one of the following methods:
NOTICE: All Perkins loans have been transferred to Heartland ECSI.
     • Customer contact number (888) 549-3274
     • ECSI website: www.heartlandecsi.com
  (UT Rio Grande Valley ECSI Client Code ACF54)
Remit payments by mail to:
     The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
     Bursar's Office
     1201 West University Drive
     Student Services Bldg, Room 1.200
     Edinburg, TX 78539
In person:
      Edinburg Bursar's Office(SSBL)
           1st Floor Student Services Building (SSBL)
     Brownsville Bursar's Office
          The Tower, Main 1.1S1
For more information or questions regarding Emergency Loans:
     Call: (956) 665-2191
     Email: LoanOffice@utrgv.edu

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